Discord Troubleshooting and Tips
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This page walks through some Tips and Tricks in how to set up Discord for AI Understanding and Analytics, Support, and anything in between.
Tip 1: Discord Permissions for Insights
Discord has a very powerful and flexible permissions system. Unfortunately, that sometimes makes it hard to get the right permissions set up to start reading content. We try to make it clear what channels we have access to and which ones we don't in the Sift Discord Settings page.
The best thing to do is to give the Sift bot a role which has capabilities to View and Read all Channels that you want us to track in your Discord.
To see whether you did everything right, refresh the page and Sift will verify the permissions again.
You can nickname bots in your Discord and all users will only see the nickname. Note: This does not extend to the image, so the Bot will always use the Sift image for now. Simply right click the bot and hit "Change Nickname" to set the preferred nickname for your bot.
Disable the Send Messages permission in a channel where you send a Panel. After you've set up the panel, this ensures that users can only ever see the panel that you added.
Tip 4: Role Mentions
Make sure the bot has role mention ability in Discord